
Public Aalto Macs updated

Public Aalto Macs are being updated in February 2023. There will be many changes for the users. Many of the old Mac computers have reached their end-of-life and will be be taken out of use. Some of the old computers will be replaced with new ones but there will most definitely be some time without some of the Mac computers as the delivery times are currently quite long and unexpectable.
Mac Dialog box about user files being removed from the computer

More Information

Read more about the new system and about the Mac classrooms from these links.

Aalto Public Mac

Aalto Mac classrooms since February 2023 have a configuration that differs a lot from the old way.

M102 Mac lab

Mac Labs

The School of Arts, Design and Architecture has three Mac labs, two in Väre and one in Otakaari 1 A-wing.

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture
ARTS Workstations Team
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