
Responsible Internationalisation - export control and sanctions

Open exchange of ideas is vital for innovative advancements in science, technology, art and business. In doing that we need to comply with export control and sanctions regulations. This page contains relevant information for all Aaltonians when cooperating internationally.
Responsible internationalisation enables free exhange of ideas for reaching breakthroughs in science, technology, art and business.
Responsible internationalisation enables free exchange of ideas for reaching breakthroughs in science, technology, art, and business.

Members of the Aalto community are encouraged to engage in collaboration with universities and organisations worldwide. Our goal is to achieve innovative advancements in science, technology, art, and business through the open exchange of ideas.  
However, it is crucial to remain vigilant and comply with export control and sanctions regulations to ensure that our research is not misused by third parties for objectives that contradict our university’s mission or code of conduct. The particular legislation to comply with depends on the subject matter. In most cases, it is national or issued by the institutions of the EU. In some cases also compliance with those issued by the United States is necessary. 

What everyone needs to know

  1. Be aware of the export control and sanctions laws, keep yourself updated and attend relevant workshops.
  2. Review your research projects and collaborations for controlled items, technologies, and sanctioned parties; consult with the Aalto/school/department export control experts for clarification and guidance.
  3. Ask for export control training for your team and maintain an open dialogue to discuss concerns and updates.
  4. Report suspected violations or vulnerabilities and seek guidance to address compliance gaps.

Impact of export control and sanctions regulation on members of the Aalto community 

The impact of export control and sanction laws on the work of a particular member of the Aalto community depends on several factors such as a member’s tasks, position or research discipline and topic. Please familiarize yourself with the guidance on these pages to the extent relevant for your work or study and responsibilities or activities at Aalto University. 

Impact on academic personnel and visitors

The effect of export control and sanction laws varies for individuals based on their roles and fields.

It is expected that academic personnel in University’s technical schools CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI will be the most effected by export control and sanctions laws in their work.

Why compliance with export control and sanctions laws matters

Compliance with export control and sanctions, universities help maintain a secure and thriving global academic environment

Two scientists with lab coats operating a machine

Export control and sanctions vis-à-vis academic freedom

Export control and sanctions laws are in place not to censor research, but to prevent its misuse.

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Export control and sanction laws are in place not to censor research, but to prevent its misuse.

Risk matrix for export control and sanctions matters

The risk matrix for export control and sanctions matters has two main variables - research domain and partners. The risk matrix is simplified illustration of key aspects - research domain and partners - that play a role in the assessment of any research activity from export control and sanctions point of view.

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The risk matrix for export control and sanctions matters
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