Department of Architecture

TIME – History of Architecture and Architectural Conservation

The research group of history of architecture is focused on medieval building archaeology, heritage studies and post-war architecture and research on VR environments.
Picture of some members of the research group

Research Group Leader

Panu Savolainen

Panu Savolainen

Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture


NEW Lectures 2024 poster
Lectures and seminars

Latest Publications

Bird feeding devices exclude unwelcome visitors. More-than-humans shaping the architecture and technology of birdfeeders in twentieth-century Finland.

Lähdesmäki, Heta; Aivelo, Tuomas & Savolainen, Panu, 2024, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.

Arkkitehtuurimme vuosituhannet : Suomen arkkitehtuurin historia alusta loppuun

Savolainen, Panu & Talve, Aleks, 2024, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Sammakko

Genius or Charlatanry? - A psychobiographical reinterpretation of the life and works of Buckminster Fuller

Toiviainen, Pasi, 2024, Aalto University. (Doctoral Thesis)

Lessons From the Arctic Vernacular

Savolainen, Panu, 2024, e-flux Architecture.

Mikä lähiö? Lähiön käsite 1920-luvulta 2020-luvulle

Berger, Laura; Kouri, Kasimira; Savolainen, Panu, & Teräsvuori, Hannes, 2024, Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu.

The Olympic gap: Planning and politics of the Helsinki Olympics

Vesikansa, Kristo & Berger, Laura, 2024, PLANNING PERSPECTIVES.

Availability and Consumption of Wooden Resource for the Construction of Late Medieval Roof Structures in Finland

Dalheimer, Franziska & Aakala, Tuomas, 2024,MIRATOR.

Helsingin yliopiston päärakennuksen laajennuskilpailu 1931, edeltävät vaiheet ja toteutus – Kysymys yliopiston asemasta ja tyylistä

Merenmies, Eija, 2024, Aalto University. (Doctoral Thesis) 

Ilmastoitu ? moderni : Sisäilman hallinta sotien jälkeisessä toimistoarkkitehtuurissa

Linnanmäki, Seija, 2024, Aalto University. (Doctoral Thesis)

Revealing the Innovations in Late Medieval Roof Structures of Finland

Savolainen, Panu; Seppänen, Liisa; Laine, Laura; Huttunen, Marko & Aakala, Tuomas, 2023 International Journal of Wood Culture.

Unveiling the Lost 18th-Century Residential Architecture of German Architect Christian Friedrich Schröder in Turku

Savolainen, Panu, 2023, Architectural Histories.

Interactions of Art and Architecture : The Case of Alvar Aalto's Town Hall in Säynätsalo

Malmberg, Jonas, 2023, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research.

Talot pysyvät, ihmiset vaihtuvat : Sosialistisen yhteiskunnan rakentaminen entisessä suomalaisessa Kurkijoen kirkonkylässä Neuvostoliitossa

Böök, Netta, 2023, Aalto University. (Doctoral Thesis)

On-going Research Projects

La cathédrale engloutie. The medieval architecture, construction phases and artworks of Turku Cathedral interpreted with new methodologies.

Research Council of Finland Academy Project 362167 Duration 1.9.2024–31.8.2028 Principal Investigator: Panu Savolainen

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Turun tuomiokirkko vuonna 1814

Historic Timber Structures and Architectural Innovations in Late Medieval Northern Europe

Funded by Kone Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation and Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation Duration 1.1.2020–31.5.2025 Principal Investigator: Panu Savolainen

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Karjaan kirkon ullakko

Past Research Projects

Suburban Pride - Local environments and architecture as building blocks of identity

The objective of Suburban Pride is to promote sustainable reconstruction of suburban environments by identifying their value factors for the residents and stakeholders. The project examines the mental images associated with the suburbs as well as the suburban architecture and landscape architecture as building blocks of suburban identity.

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Argumenta project: ModerninArvo

Fostering our Modern Heritage. Sustainable Construction, Economic and Technical Perspectives and the Values of Built Heritage.

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Virastotaloa puretaan


Liisa Kunnas

Liisa Kunnas

Postdoctoral Researcher

Hanna Hyvönen

Doctoral researcher

Laura Laine

Doctoral researcher

Jonas Malmberg

Doctoral researcher

Edla Mäkelä

Doctoral Researcher

Mikko Mälkki

Doctoral researcher

Pauliina Saarinen

Doctoral researcher
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