Department of Architecture

Historic Timber Structures and Architectural Innovations in Late Medieval Northern Europe

Funded by Kone Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation and Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
Duration 1.1.2020–31.5.2025
Principal Investigator: Panu Savolainen
Karjaan kirkon ullakko

Project in a Nutshell

The project explores medieval roof structures of stone churches, which are the only remaining load-bearing medieval timber structures of Finland. These structures are a valuable part of the oldest heritage in Finland. The project uses a multidisciplinary toolkit to explore timber structures and the circulation of structural innovations in Late Medieval Northern Europe. The methods include historical research, building archaeology, architectural history, engineering, dendrochronology and experimental building archeology. In addition, the project explores medieval osteological remains found from church attics.

The project creates an overall documentation of the structures and produces research outputs about the medieval transfer and circulation of innovations, deforestation, wood species of the structures, new dendrochronological datings, reuse of older timber structures and carvings found in the structures. In addition, the project takes part in public science via documentary films, social media and events and articles intended for public.

Exhibition of the Project in Finnish Museum of Architecture (2021)

Short Documentary Film about the Project (in Finnish), Antti Seppänen, (2020)

Research Group

prof. Panu Savolainen (Project leader, medieval history and archaeology)

Doctoral researcher Ilari Aalto (archaeology)

Doctoral researcher Franziska Dalheimer (architecture, wood species analysis)

ELL, MA Vivi Deckwirth Vivi (osteology)

Architect, Conservation specialist Marko Huttunen (timber structures)

Doctoral researcher Laura Laine (architecture)

Architect Mia Puranen (fieldworks)

Conservation specialist Lauri Saarinen (timber structures)

Doctoral researcher Pauliina Saarinen (architecture)

MA Antti Seppänen (film director)

Associate professor Liisa Seppänen (archaeology, history, osteology)

Architect Miina Tolonen (fieldworks)

Prof. Tuomas Aakala (Dendrochronologist, University of Eastern Finland)

MSc Antti Haikala (engineering)

Publications (selection)

Availability and Consumption of Wooden Resource for the Construction of Late Medieval Roof Structures in Finland

Dalheimer, Franziska & Aakala, Tuomas, 2024,MIRATOR.

Revealing the Innovations in Late Medieval Roof Structures of Finland

Savolainen, Panu; Seppänen, Liisa; Laine, Laura; Huttunen, Marko & Aakala, Tuomas, 2023 International Journal of Wood Culture.

Viestejä nimettömiltä rakentajilta: Keskiaikaisten kivikirkkojen rakenteiden merkinnät ja niiden tulkinta

Savolainen, Panu; Seppänen, Liisa; Aalto, Ilari & Laine, Laura, 2023, Kirkko, papisto ja yhteiskunta 1600-1800. Viitaniemi, E. (toim.). Helsinki: Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura.

Dendrokronologisia ajoitustuloksia uuden ajan alun kohteista: Turun Qwenselin talo, Lokalahden kellotapuli ja Keminmaan vanhan kirkon puuholvi

Savolainen, Panu; Aakala, Tuomas; Huttunen, Marko; Laine, Laura; Wallenius, Tuomo & Viinikkala, Lauri, 2022, SKAS. 

Following the standards, following the structures: The case of Louhisaari castle mid 17th century roof structures

Saarinen, Pauliina; Huttunen, Marko; Laine, Laura; & Savolainen, Panu, 2022, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures. Kunecký, J. & Hasníková, H. (toim.). Prague: Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Kiertotalous on ikivanha juttu: Perinteisen rakentamisen näkökulma

Savolainen, Panu, 2021, Kiertotalous rakennetussa ympäristössä. Huttunen, E. (toim.). Helsinki: Rakennustieto.

Itä-Uudenmaan keskiaikaisten kivikirkkojen kronologia ja rakennusvaiheet: Erityistarkastelussa Pernajan kirkko

Savolainen, Panu; Aakala, Tuomas, Huttunen, Marko; Laine, Laura; Puranen, Mia. & Saarinen, Pauliina, 2020, julkaisussa: SKAS.

Keskiaikaisten kattoristikoiden salat avautuvat

Savolainen, Panu; Laine, Laura & Aalto, Ilari, 2020, julkaisussa: SKAS.

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