Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Strategy and Venturing

We are the leading Institute for research and education in strategy and venturing in Finland.
TUTA Strategy and venturing

The Institute of Strategy and Venturing enjoys an international reputation for research and teaching excellence in its core areas, a reputation that is further enhanced by strong links with globally leading business and engineering schools. These strengths are leveraged for the benefit of its students, so as to provide them with a truly transformative learning experience.

The overriding objective of the Institute is to transform the careers of its students by providing them with the skills, competencies, and contacts required to excel in creating and transforming technology-based business in the globalizing business world. To meet our objective, we continuously strive to surpass its standards of research and teaching excellence. By continuously benchmarking our performance against globally leading programs and institutes in its area, we aspire to instill a spirit of excellence in our students, and thus help them reach their full potential.

The teaching activity is supported by world-class research on strategy and venturing. The internationally recognized, award-winning publication activity of our faculty ensures that the knowledge base is continuously refreshed and upgraded with cutting-edge knowledge generated in close co-operation with other leading academics as well as industry and consulting practitioners.


The Institute is lead by Professor Markku Maula

Highlighted research projects

Sun shining into tree leaves.

The Research Collaborative on Digital Transformation and Regulatory Technologies for Sustainability and Compliance Excellence

A world-class community of experts from Aalto University and the Stockholm School of Economics.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Abstract image with colours picturing Energy materials textures. Photo by Helen Marton

IN2MISSION: How can innovation policy accelerate the creation of solutions to our greatest societal challenges?

The project seeks to understand what are the most impactful innovation policy tools that enable advancements and innovations in data and platform economy.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Alustaloudessa menestyminen vaatii Suomelta uudenlaisia politiikkatoimia.

Policy Rationales in the Shift to Digital Platform Economy

The project "Policy Rationals in the Shift to Digital Platform Economy" run by Aalto University studies the impacts of digital platform economy to the business and competitiveness of firms and the current state of Finnish innovation funding. 

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
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