Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering

Single-Molecule Dynamics in Cells

We work at the interface between physics, chemistry, and biology with a particular focus on the spatiotemporal organization of intracellular environment, single molecule dynamics, and cellular responses to environmental perturbations.
Two groups of cells with an elongated shape.

The Single-Molecule Dynamics in Cells group takes an interdisciplinary approach to solve fundamental questions about how living systems adapt to extreme environments, employing a range of techniques from biophysics, molecular biology, genetics, to computational biology. 

We use super-resolution microscopy and single molecule tracking to record the movement of individual molecules inside individual live cells. Single molecule dynamics report on the molecular interactions in real-time, acting as a probe for the intracellular environment. The research will also contribute to the development of robust synthetic biology applications and novel assay solutions.

If this speaks to you, please send an email with your CV and research interests.

Research Highlights


From left: Taras Redchuk, Chris Hayes, Aakeel Wagay, Ada Pajari, Dan Noel, Eveliny Nery and Jarno Mäkelä. Photo: Mikko Raskinen.

‘Off to a flying start’ – a new research team explores bacteria that thrive in extreme conditions

Jarno Mäkelä joined Aalto’s Department of Neuroscience and Medical Engineering as Assistant Professor of Biophysics in early September, together with research fellow Taras Redchuk, postdoctoral researchers Dan Noel, Eveliny Nery, doctoral researchers Ada Pajari and Aakeel Wagay, and research assistant Chris Hayes. They were accompanied by equipment, funding from the Academy of Finland and an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council.

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