Doctoral education

Publishing your doctoral thesis

Here you will find instructions for preparing your thesis for publication and printing, and information on archiving.

Aalto University doctoral theses are published in the DOCTORAL THESES publication series. They are public documents and they are published in compliance with the Aalto University open access principles.
Doctoral hats in Aalto University Conferment

Printed, public display and Aaltodoc version of the thesis

A printed version will be published of all doctoral theses. In case of an article or essay thesis, the articles or essays are included to the printed version. For this reason, doctoral student is obligated to acquire permissions to republish the articles or essays in the printed thesis, see more information below.

A public display version of the doctoral thesis is made for the purposes of public display and for archiving. In case of an article or essay thesis, the articles or essays are included to the public display version. Read more about the public display or the archiving of the theses.

An Aaltodoc version is made for publishing the doctoral thesis in Aalto University's publication archive Aaltodoc with the permission of the doctoral student. The Aaltodoc version includes the entire monograph or the compiling (summary) part of an article or essay thesis. Read how to give permission to publish the Aaltodoc version of your doctoral thesis.

Planning the publishing process

The publishing process can take anything from 4-8 weeks or more. If you want a swift printing process, invest your time and energy in the final revision and careful proofreading. The time includes compiling the work on the publication platform, the printing process in the printing house Unigrafia and a ten-day public display of the work.

Prepare for the publishing process

Required permissions

In case your thesis includes published articles or essays, obtain the necessary permissions for republishing them as part of your printed thesis early on, e.g. during the pre-examination process.

Your doctoral thesis will be published with your permission in Aaltodoc publication archive.  Please give your permission three weeks before your public defence at the latest.

Printing the thesis

Placing the final order for printing your thesis is only possible after you have received the official permission for defense from the Doctoral programme committee of your School. You will also need the details of your public defence (including the names of your opponent and custos) before placing the order.

What can be changed after receiving the permission for defence?

Archiving the thesis

Doctoral theses are public documents and they are published in compliance with the Aalto University open access principles. The theses are registered and archived in electronic format in Aaltodoc publication archive

Availability of the thesis at Aaltodoc and Harald Herlin Learning Centre 

Aalto University's Harald Herlin Learning Centre has at least one printed copy of each published doctoral thesis for borrowing. 

Each doctoral thesis will also have a publicly available web page in Aaltodoc. The metadata and the abstract of the doctoral thesis will be published and are available for public view in Aaltodoc. The electronic Aaltodoc version may be published only with the consent of the doctoral student (see more information about permissions above). 

Information of the new doctoral theses will be imported from Aaltodoc to Aalto University's ACRIS research information system approximately once a month. Doctoral students do not need to save the information to ACRIS by themselves.

The persistent web address (URN) of a thesis in Aaltodoc follows the format The publication platform generates the URN automatically to the reverse side of the title page and to the abstract forms of the thesis. The URN will be activated within 24 hours after the thesis has been registered to Aaltodoc. The doctoral student will receive an email notification when the doctoral thesis web page is available in Aaltodoc.

Browse doctoral theses in Aaltodoc

Support and help

If after reading this page you have questions, please contact us for help.

Questions related to: Who to contact:
Publishing and archiving Aalto publication support: [email protected] 
Printing issues Printing house (Unigrafia)
ACRIS [email protected] 
Examination process and public defence, distribution of thesis Your doctoral programme's Doctoral education services

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Drawing of a stack of books, with notes between the pages of the books.

Doctoral thesis at Aalto University

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Finalising your doctoral studies

Information on pre-examination, defence, finalising the thesis, public display and approval of thesis etc.

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Public defence at Aalto University

Instructions for planning and arranging public defences (for doctoral student and custos)

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Art work of twigs forming a web
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