Stillness, non-doing and being grounded
Reconnect mind and body and become aware of your presence.
The following sections summarise the learning outcomes that were collected from the participants of the CBCR journey. Participants felt that embodied practices helped them to calm down, to step out of the daily work routine mindset and to feel stronger connection with their colleagues. The embodied practices opened up a space for collective intelligence and radical creativity to emerge between people.
This list is in no way complete. Rather, it is a collection of learnings from our pilot project that translate some aspects and benefits of embodied intelligence.
The cornerstone of embodied intelligence is that it cannot be given from the outside. Becoming a participant of an experiential learning journey is crucial for understanding and unlocking our human potentials.
Reconnect mind and body and become aware of your presence.
A deeper connection to ourselves, others and the world.
Trust other kinds of knowing to sense underlying potentials.
Empty space makes room for something new.
Process of internalising new habits can increase resilience.
We enable experimental activities that challenge the status quo.
Encourage your team to let go of routines that prevent creativity. Radical Creativity piloted with Social Presencing Theater’s methods.
A strategic, experimental initiative within Radical Creativity to take further steps towards a more experimental culture.
Here's a collection of frameworks, models and theories linked to embodied intelligence and transformative learning and leadership.