
Redesigning Production Systems - New Luxury from Biodiversity

Final seminar of Crops4Luxury project: September 5, 2019
PeltoLuksus projekti. Kuva Eeva Suorlahti.
Crops4Luxury project. Photo by Eeva Suorlahti.

Special crops and the raw materials derived from them provide sustainable and new luxury to our life. Crop systems need to be redesigned so that circular economy and biodiversity are taken into account. At the same time soil fertility, carbon sequestration and biodiversity should be improved. The production of different plant-derived raw materials will enhance bio-based business possibilities. In developing on-farm upgrading methods, it is possible to integrate farms into the value chain and reform their traditional role in the production of raw materials. Plant-based products can be recycled as well.

At the seminar, the results from the PeltoLuksus – Crops4Luxury project, coordinated by the Natural Resources Institute and funded by Sitra, on the value chain and the formation of new luxury from quinoa, caraway and woad will be presented.

The seminar will be organised in Finnish.

More information:

Marjo Keskitalo, erikoistutkija [email protected]
Kirsi Niinimäki, professori kirsi.niinimä[email protected]
Riikka Räisänen, yliopistonlehtori [email protected]

Natural Indigo project, design by Arttu Åfield & Kirsi Niinimäki. Photo Eeva Suorlahti


Natural Indigo: New Luxury from Northern Fields

Visit the exhibition Natural Indigo: New Luxury from Northern Fields at Aalto University campus in Espoo 5.-26.9.2019. 

The exhibition is part of the Crops4Luxury project and Helsinki Design Week's official programme.

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