
Wellbeing Desk EDI-session: LGBTQ+ in Aalto

Welcome to a monthly session for Aalto personnel to discuss equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at Aalto University! In the sessions we discuss in small groups about our experiences of EDI at work context. The topic of the 15.9.2022 session is LGBTQ+ at Aalto and the discussion is facilitated by Kasper Kivistö, the chair of Trasek ry and board members of GAYY student association. The EDI sessions are part of Wellbeing Desk services, offering low-threshold services to support the wellbeing of Aalto personnel.

How to build safer space for LGBTQ+ community on the campus? How can we support the inclusion of gender and sexual minorities at Aalto? Kasper Kivistö, the chair of Trasek ry and board members of student association GAYY will present and stimulate the discussion on these themes. Reserve your spot and join the conversation!

The monthly EDI discussion sessions are part of the Wellbeing Desk services, offering low-threshold wellbeing services to support the wellbeing of the Aalto personnel. In the conversational sessions, we discuss our experiences and ideas in small groups about our experiences of EDI at work context after a short introduction to the topic. The sessions are organized in English by facilitators Ida Salin, Diversity and Inclusion Officer and Suvi Helko, Project Specialist at Oasis of Radical Wellbeing, with monthly guest speakers.

During the EDI sessions, we will adhere guidelines for inclusive interaction. This means that participants will:

  • Meet people with an open mind and respect diversity and people's identities
  • Strive to acknowledge unconscious bias and challenge your assumptions 
  • Be open to new perspectives, listen and give space to everyone
  • Speak with care and respect
  • Speak out and ask questions even when not sure about the right term. We are allowed to make mistakes, so be compassionate to yourself and others - we are all here to learn! If being corrected, receive the correction by saying thank you.
  • If you notice inclusion barriers do not hesitate to act
  • Feel free to leave the session at any moment for any reason

Join us to build a more inclusive Aalto community!

EDI sessions English

EDI discussions for Aalto personnel

In monthly EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion) discussions, members of Aalto personnel gets together to discuss how to advance equity, diversity and inclusion at our work.

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing
Keys to Your Wellbeing

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

On these pages you will find information and interesting references to improve wellbeing at Aalto University!

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