
Events at Marsio: Instructions for Speakers

On this page you can find important information that you should keep in mind when presenting on a stage at Marsio events.
Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Event spaces at Marsio are equipped with top-of-the-line AV technology and enable event organisers to produce striking on-site and online events.

Speaking at events in Marsio may remind you of a more TV-style production. All events should have a moderator/host. Please make sure you go through a short technical rehearsal with the producer and the host before the event if you do not have much experience in presenting for a remote audience.

Please send your presentation beforehand so we can check that all the given components work. Those include your fonts, images, audio, video, etc. The deadlines for sending materials should be agreed with the event organizers.

The technical compatibility of the materials has to be tested with the stage technology, therefore it is beneficial if the presentations are sent well in advance. By doing so, we can ensure you have enough time to edit your presentation if needed.

If you haven’t experienced a more TV-style production before, please make sure you go through a short technical rehearsal with the producer prior to the event.

Make sure you arrive on-site before the event starts so the technicians have enough time to attach microphones, test your audio, etc.

Guidelines for on-site speakers

  • Always speak to the microphone and please hold it close to your mouth.
  • Please do not turn your back on the audience or the cameras.
  • Please do not point to the video wall behind you as you automatically turn your back to the audience and the cameras. The stream audience cannot see what you are pointing at.
  • Please remain at the marks given at the rehearsals.
  • The venue has a 4K screen – in your PowerPoint, only use high-resolution images and/or videos (e.g. 3840×2160px)
  • Videos need to be attached as files and not video links. The ratio should be 16:9.
  • Try to avoid having too many small images etc. on your slides. One large photo per slide is preferred.
  • Please consider that your font size is larger than normal starting from 70pt for titles and 38pt for text. Please also center your text in the middle of the slide. Please avoid putting information in the bottom corners as the text might be covered by stage furniture
  • Please avoid detailed and complicated graphics.
  • Please only use images, music, and video materials that you have full copyright ownership.
  • Please use the Aalto Powerpoint templates when possible and follow the brand guidelines.

What NOT to wear:

  • All Black (parts of the stage background are black so you will not be very visible from the background)
  • White (this easily “burns” in the footage)
  • Stripes or fabrics with small patterns can cause a fizzy effect on the camera.

Guidelines for Remote Speakers

  • We will send you a Zoom/Teams invite for a technical check-up and the actual event.
  • You will be on the large screen at the event location and either full screen or in a presentation mode in the stream.
  • If your presentation contains video or audio you need to send it to us the latest one week before the event so we can implement it in the stream. This is to avoid audio lag on location and especially in the stream.
  • If your presentation only includes text and still images you can share it from your computer as usually.
  • We are also able to have panel discussion with remote participants as in the picture below.
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