
A new podcast reveals how computer science is involved in pretty much everything

A new Finnish podcast explains how technology plays a key role in solving different kinds of problems
profiilikuva Risto Sarvas
Professor of Practice Risto Sarvas is the podcast host. Photo: Matti Ahlgren / Aalto University

Aalto University Department of Computer Science's new Finnish podcast 'Kahvit näppikselle' explains how computer science is involved basically in everything.

The podcast asks what technology can teach us about the world, relationships, and ourselves, and explains in an entertaining way how technology plays a key role in solving different kinds of problems. The listener will find out whether coders are in fact doing politics, what is needed in order to create a fair smart city, and how artificial intelligence could help physicians. The language of the podcast is Finnish.

Researchers from the Department of Computer Science will be interviewed in the podcast, and the host of the podcast is Professor of Practice Risto Sarvas. The first episode of the eight-episode season was released on Friday 29th of January, 2021.

Kahvit näppikselle computer science podcast cover illustration

Podcast: Kahvit näppikselle

Podcast teknologiasta, ihmissuhteista ja elämästä. Jaksot vuosilta 2020-2021.


Language of the podcast is Finnish. For more information, see the Finnish language version of this page.

Spotify: Kahvit näppikselle (external link)

Computer science podcast in Spotify (in Finnish)

Kahvit näppikselle computer science podcast cover illustration

Apple podcasts: Kahvit näppikselle (external link)

Computer science podcast in Apple podcasts (in Finnish)

Kahvit näppikselle computer science podcast cover illustration

Department of Computer Science

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