
Aalto University's image ranks number one among persons under 25

According to a survey conducted by Taloustutkimus, Aalto is also the best-known university in Finland and its degrees are valued by the labour market.
Opiskelijoita pyöräilemässä kampuksella.
Photo: Aalto University / Unto Rautio.

In a recent Taloustutkimus brand survey, young persons in Finland under the age of 25 were asked to assess Finnish universities based on image, and Aalto University ranked first. The overall grade given to the university was 8.62 on a scale of 4–10 (8.38 last year). Aalto was also the most well-known Finnish university.

The study examined the impression people had about different universities with nine statements. Aalto University ranked first in seven of these statements: its degrees are valued in the labour market, it has a good reputation as a place of study, it has high-quality teaching, it provides good opportunities for international engagement, it stands out from other universities in a positive way, it has received positive visibility in the media and has a good social media presence, and its website contains useful information.

The survey was conducted as an electronic survey and received approximately 2 700 answers from Finnish persons under 25 in February and March 2021. This year, the age of the group of respondents in the survey changed from previous years when the respondents were under the age of 30.

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