Aalto’s Economics and Business ranks 67th globally in NTU ranking
Aalto University rises to the 67th spot globally in Economics & Business in the National Taiwan University (NTU) ranking by subject. Our ranking in this subject last year was 73rd. Two other Aalto subjects are also among the top 100: Computer Science 79th (64th last year) and Electrical Engineering 92nd (96th).
In the NTU Ranking, three other technology subjects place among the top 150: Chemical Engineering 126th (141st), Materials Science 132nd (148th) and Civil Engineering 142nd (132nd).
Aalto’s Space Science, Mechanical Engineering and Energy Science & Engineering place among the top 200.
The NTU’s ranking by scientific field places Aalto’s Engineering field at spot 136 (140) and Social Sciences at spot 158 (187). In the listing looking at universities as a whole, Aalto ranked 400th (373rd).
The NTU Ranking is based on the analysis of publication and citation data included in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database, which emphasises volume in addition to influence. For a university such as Aalto that is specialised in various fields, field-specific rankings are more informative than overall rankings.
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NTU ranking
Aalto University performs well in international university rankings. In subject-specific rankings, we place 8th globally in art & design and are in the top 100 in several other subjects. We have gathered information on our performance in the best-known university rankings on this page.
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