
ACRIS implemented at Aalto SCI

ACRIS brings together the results of our scientific and artistic activities in a comprehensive manner.

ACRIS (Aalto Current Research Information System) is our new research information system, replacing the earlier TKKJulkaisee, TKKTutkii and TKKToimii systems as well as the ReseDan system used by Aalto ARTS and the RESCAT system used by BIZ. ACRIS brings together the results of our scientific and artistic activities in a comprehensive manner. The ACRIS system is used at Aalto to evaluate productivity and for reporting on our research and other activities to the Ministry of Education and Culture. As a researcher, ACRIS means that rather than having to enter all your publication information personally, the Aalto library will automatically import the information from the Web of Science and Scopus databases.

You can log in to ACRIS at

ACRIS has just been implemented, and we hope that every SCI researcher will check their personal and publication information. At this time, the publication information covers 2010–2016, but information from earlier years will be added during the latter part of this year. If any of your publications from 2010–2016 are missing, add them to the system yourself.

Assistance and support available at events and online

Instructions for using the system are available online:
- Main page for ACRIS instructions
- Instructions for new users
- Instructions for checking information 

I encourage you to participate in the department-specific ACRIS training sessions being held at SCI.

  • Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis: 11 May, 10.00–12.00, Otakaari 1 M243
  • Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering: 30 May, 10.15–11.30, Otakaari 3 F239a
  • Department of Applied Physics: 12 May, 9.00–12.00, Otakaari 1 Y405
  • Department of Applied Physics: 25 May, 9.00–12.00, Nanotalo 228
  • Department of Computer Science: 24 May, 12.00–15.00, TUAS AS
  • Department of Industrial Engineering and Management: 16 May, 13.00–16.00, TUAS 1171-72

The library will also offer walk-in clinics lasting some two hours for researchers, coordinators and other people from all the schools who work with ACRIS. You can attend the clinic sessions and ask your questions without registering in advance. See the training calendar for more information about all the events and clinics.

You can also get support by e-mail at [email protected] or from the person responsible for ACRIS in your department:

  • Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis: Sophie Le Coley (
  • Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering: Jaakko Järvinen (
  • Department of Applied Physics: Minna Günes (, Heidi Henrickson (, Marjo Kettunen (
  • Department of Computer Science: Maria Lindqvist (
  • Department of Industrial Engineering and Management: Nina Henriksson ([email protected])

Thank you for your cooperation,

Ahti Salo
Vice Dean

Read more:
ACRIS is a window on Aalto research
ACRIS wiki
ACRIS in Inside
Slide show (pdf) will be available soon

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