
AllWell? student survey of 2024 reaches 36% of target group

The AllWell? student survey of spring 2024 was conducted between 1–14 February 2024. The survey was emailed to all Aalto University's second-year bachelor’s students and first-year master’s students. The sample this year consisted of 4890 students, 36% of whom responded to the survey. AllWell? warmly thanks all of them!
AllWell SQ


This year, the survey was redesigned to better correspond to the study ability model developed by Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS). The AllWell? student survey gives students a chance to present their views on the teaching and guidance they have received at Aalto and reflect on Aalto as a learning environment. In addition, students assess their own personal resources and study skills. 

According to this year's results, majority of respondents (73%) felt that their study wellbeing was reasonably good or good, while 11% felt it was excellent. 16 % of the respondents assessed their study wellbeing as poor or very poor. This spring's results show that the share of students at risk of study burnout has decreased compared to last year, being now 17% compared to 23% in 2023. Although the number of respondents who were at risk of study burnout had decreased, approximately 40% of the respondents felt that the programme workload was too high (12 % completely agree, 29 % agree to some extent) and about half of the respondents agreed fully (17 %) or to some extent (34 %) that the amount of work in their degree programme is very unevenly divided and that they have unreasonable spikes in the work due to the learning and teaching methods. Also in the open-ended responses, students wished for a more even distribution of workload and courses across the academic year and teaching periods. 

Experiences of the quality of teaching have developed favourably at Aalto for several years in a row, and also this year experiences of the alignment of teaching improved from last year. However, in the open-ended responses, students wished for more flexibility, through, e.g. course scheduling, alternative course completion methods, lecture recordings and remote studying opportunities. Students also requested for more teacher feedback on coursework and examination. About 40% of the respondents felt that they did not receive enough feedback that supported learning  (10 % completely agree, 30 % agree to some extent) . At the Aalto level, the study environment was generally perceived very positively among the respondents.

Next steps 

Based on their survey responses, we have sent each survey respondent individual feedback and a link to a feedback page, which contains detailed descriptions of each area of the survey and tips on developing one’s competence in them. The schools and programme directors can view the results of their school and programme through the Degree programme report tool, and support is available for them to develop teaching based on the AllWell? results. All Aalto staff members can access the AllWell? results through a Power BI Key Information report using their Aalto staff credentials. 

The results will be discussed in school- and programme-level events over the spring and autumn. The goal is to make use of the results in the development of curricula, programmes and teaching. The results of the AllWell? student survey give valuable information on student wellbeing as well as on how the university operations and services could be developed to better meet the students' needs. A warm thank you once again to all students who responded to the survey!


The AllWell? student survey

The AllWell? student survey is sent to all Aalto’s 2nd year bachelor's and 1st year master's students every year.

The study ability model

Areas of the AllWell? student survey as support for students

The AllWell? student survey measures aspects of student's study ability and experience of study wellbeing. The student's study ability and study experience are thought to be constructed from four different areas and their interaction: Student's personal resources, study skills, the study environment provided by the university, and teaching and counselling.

Support for Studying
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