
Anastasia Koptsyukh and Ewald Kibler have been awarded Best Paper Award 2023 BCERC

They have been awarded the Best Paper in Social Entrepreneurship by the MEANS Center for Entrepreneurship Studies of Illinois State University and Babson College
Ewald Kibler and Anastasia Koptsyukh in the middle
Ewald Kibler and Anastasia Koptsyukh in the middle. The award was handed to the researchers by Andrew Zacharakis (Babson College) (left) and Holger Patzelt (Technical University Munich) (right).

Doctoral Candidate Anastasia Koptsyukh and Associate Professor Ewald Kibler, both from the Entrepreneurship Unit (ENTU) at Aalto University (Department of Management Studies), have been awarded the Best Paper in Social Entrepreneurship by the MEANS Center for Entrepreneurship Studies of Illinois State University and Babson College. 

The paper entitled "Alleviated Suffering, Now What? On a Journey from Compassion Venturing To A New Social Venture" is based on the research led by Anastasia Koptsyukh on compassion venturing in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The paper is co-authored with Ray and Milann Siegfried, Professor of Entrepreneurship Dean A. Shepherd, from Mendoza College of Business (University of Notre Dame) who also received the award.

The award was handed to the researchers by Andrew Zacharakis (Babson College), Tobias Pret (Illinois State University), Nicki Breugst, and Holger Patzelt (Technical University Munich). 

Congratulations to the researchers on the award which is a significant recognition reflecting their high-quality research. 

Gala Dinner at BCERC in June 2024
Gala Dinner at BCERC in June 2024

The award gala dinner was part of the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), which took place at the Technical University of Munich in June 2024. 

2024 BCERC – Technical University of Munich, Germany | Babson College

Award gala dinner_BCERC
Andrew Zacharakis, Tobias Pret, Anastasia Koptsyukh, Dean A. Shepherd, Nicki Breugst, and Holger Patzelt. Photo: Astrid Eckert

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