
Automatic Coordination of Construction Actors – ACTOR Webinar Videos

ACTOR is a Finnish R&D project that builds new capabilities towards automated coordination of construction actors. On November 3, 2022, ACTOR organized a webinar with a panel discussion and partner presentations. The recordings of the program are now openly available.

ACTOR is a Finnish R&D project that builds new capabilities towards automated coordination of construction actors. On November 3, 2022, ACTOR organized a webinar with a panel discussion and partner presentations. The recordings of the program are now openly available.

The panel discussion

The panel discusses

  • The importance of design information quality to construction productivity
  • Situational awareness of construction project
  • What other industries can teach us about situational awareness
  • The digital twin of a construction process
  • The importance of focusing on the usability of construction technology
  • How ACTOR can lead to a reduction of carbon emissions
  • How to start implementing ACTOR’s results

The panelists are

  • Markku Kiviniemi, Senior Scientist, VTT
  • Olli Seppänen, Professor, Aalto University
  • Jukka Suomi, Digital Construction Manager, Trimble
  • Ari Viitanen, President, Carinafour
  • Janne Öfversten, Senior Technology Manager, KONE

The moderator is Aarni Heiskanen, AE Partners.

Partner presentations

Olli Seppänen gives an overview of ACTOR and talks about Aalto’s contribution to the project.

Markku Kiviniemi presents VTT’s research goals and focus areas.

Jukka Suomi introduces Trimble’s engagement in ACTOR.

Ari Viitanen summarizes Carinafour’s participation.

Tomi Pitkäranta of Flow Technologies talks about their digital twin and other development tasks in the project

The ACTOR project is supported by Business Finland’s Low Carbon Built Environment Program that receives funding from EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. Visit ACTOR’s home page for more info.

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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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