
Call for Projects 2021 - Education (EIT RawMaterials)

Annual call - Pre-submission: 17 JAN; Final-submission: 28 FEB
Aalto EIT Services - Javor

How to develop education proposals - Webinar Series (EIT RawMaterials)

How to develop successful proposals for getting your ideas to learners - the things to think about!

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Aalto EIT Services - Javor

Official call page -

  • Proposal registration and submission platform ‘Seedbook‘ goes online: early November 2019
  • Proposal registration deadline: Friday, 17 January 2020 at 13:00 CET
  • Proposal submission deadline: Friday, 28 February 2020 at 13:00 CET

The Education Call 2021 covers two types of proposals:

  1. Legacy Proposals: These are proposals that are the continuation of existing successful projects. Success will be defined by the KPIs achieved to date in the existing project and teaching materials provided in the proposal which will be evaluated. Legacy proposals can be either a) a KAVA project whose funding period ends by the end of 2019 or b) a KAVA project in its final year of funding at the time of submission of the proposal.
  2. New Proposals: These are proposals which start a new project.

General rules:

  • EIT’s focus is on shaping innovation, entrepreneurial and intrepreneurial skills in four domains of learning: Master Education; PhD Education; Lifelong Learning and Wider Society Learning
  • In Wider Society Learning specificially, we will support only non-school projects that deal with the Social Licence to Operate (SLO). All school proposals must demonstrate how schools will use the content in classroom teaching, with a view to the local/national curriculum.
  • Lifelong Learning proposals must be demand-driven and demonstrate a clear industrial need for a course.
  • Higher Education proposals must fulfill at least one of the following criteria:
    • Achievement of EIT Core KPIs in terms of graduates from EIT-Labelled programmes.
    • Achievement of EIT Core KPIs in terms of start-ups created by students and graduates from EITLabelled programmes.
    • Create opportunities for students in EIT-Labelled and non-EIT-Labelled programmes to turn knowledge and ideas into business with or without EIT RawMaterials business creation instruments, e.g. Jumpstarter.
  • Are requested to reach a non-EIT(KCA+co-funding)/EIT funding ratio of 50/50.
  • Co-funding contributed by the project consortium is encouraged and will be evaluated positively. Co-funding can also be “in kind”. Co-funding can be contributed only by EIT RawMaterials Partners.
  • Partners may request up to 100% funding for eligible KAVA costs.
  • Deliverables must include a mandatory Final Report including number of participants, their institutions, gender ratio, the full set of teaching material (with editable master files), results of training programme evaluations (participants’ surveys) and an explanation of whether and how the project will be continued by the partners.
  • All projects will be tracked and their progress will be assessed for 5 years after the end of the funding period.
  • Specific tasks may be attributed to subcontractors, if the necessity is clearly justified and follows the general H2020 principles.
  • The project duration can be from a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 4 years. Note, however, that the current Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) with EIT expires at the end of 2022.
  • For Lifelong Learning proposals a market analysis must be included in the proposal. Relevant feasibility and market aspects must be considered in a dedicated ‘go-to-market’ Work Package (WP0) – please refer to the document ‘Go-to-market strategy for upscaling projects – Process and guidance’. WP0 will be updated throughout the duration of the project and enable go/no-go decisions following annual reviews.

EIT Project Lifetime

EIT Innovation project lifetime - from the idea to the sing off of a successful project

Aalto EIT Services
EIT Raw Materials Eligibility criteria Javor

Evaluation process of project proposals (EIT RawMaterials)

EIT RawMaterials uses a three steps evaluation process to find the best proposals for its portfolio

Aalto EIT Services
Aalto EIT Services Javor

About EIT RawMaterials

Boosting the competitiveness of the European raw materials sector via radical innovation!

Aalto EIT Services
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