
Department of Computer Science puts effort on industry cooperation both in research and teaching

The department cooperates with industry in all the important research areas.

The department cooperates with industry in all the important research areas including data science, data security, digital health and industrial internet.

-        At the Department of Computer Science we create and develop platforms for industry cooperation projects of various sizes. One of the concrete measures is to create a network to enhance finding contacts for Master’s Thesis positions, says Jouko Lampinen, the head of the department. 

Cooperation between the City of Helsinki and the Department of Computer Science is related to digital democracy in the City of Helsinki.   

-              It can concern voting advice applications, citizen’s initiatives, partly even the city’s decision making processes, states professor Kimmo Kaski.

Several ICT companies sponsored the International Conference on Computational Social Science organized at the Finlandia Hall. The cooperation between the industry and the Department of Computer Science has started very well and is extending to new openings; data-related collaboration is being negotiated with Supercell and Elisa.

-        In addition, we cooperate with industry in the field of health technology – one of the new giants in the economy of Finland. With Healthtech Finland we aim at developing health technology research in the metropolitan area, continues Kimmo Kaski.

Close to students

Antti Vähä-Sipilä from F-Secure lectured a much sought after course on Software Security this spring at the Department of Computer Science. Industry cooperation in teaching gives the students a valuable insight into data security in practice.

-        Professor N. Asokan is responsible for the quality of the course and being compliant with the curriculum. I try to be available for the students during the course, says Antti Vähä-Sipilä.

-        We have a high criteria for our lecturers and the cooperation in teaching between the university and companies is unique in data security, states professor N. Asokan.

A digital climbing wall developed at the department is being piloted in Boulderkeskus. The wall combines machine vision body movement tracking to reflected graphics. Research collaboration benefits both parties.

-        We have many more daily users compared to a research conducted in a laboratory. We even gain direct feedback from the users and Boulderkeskus can participate in the development of the wall, says professor Perttu Hämäläinen.

The Department of Computer Science is the biggest department at Aalto University and also the biggest computer science unit in Finland. There are around 44 professors and 400 employees at the department. The department hosts three National Centers of Excellence.  

More information:

Web pages of the Department of Computer Science

Head of department

Jouko Lampinen

[email protected]

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