
ECAR 2017 IT survey for the research and teaching personnel

Aalto will participate in the 2017 ECAR IT technology survey.

This year the survey will cover the IT usage and user experience of research and teaching personell.

The survey results will help Aalto University to improve IT services to research and teaching faculty.

One of the results in the 2016 ECAR survey for students was the dissatisfaction with the wireless network service. In the beginning of 2017 IT services finished improving the wireless network in 24 lecture halls.

Participation in the study is voluntary, and responses will be processed confidentially. It will take about 25 minutes to answer this web-based survey. The survey is in English.

If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected].

The survey will open on 6.3.2017 and close on 7.4.2017.

An email invitation will be sent to all members of the teaching and research staff. The mail will contain the URL needed to participate.


ECAR Faculty Study 2017 is organized by EDUCAUSE Centre for Analysis and Research ( It collects information on how faculty uses technology in higher education. Results are available for all participating institutions. Aalto University is participating to gain information on how to provide the faculty with better IT services.

Preliminary results from the survey.

Responses from ALL participating universities before 20.3.2017

Responses from ALL participating universities before 20.3.2017

Responses from universities outside of the USA before 20.3.2017

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