
Elina Kähkönen appointed Cross-cutting Areas Officer at Aalto University

Elina Kähkönen has previously worked as the head of the Aalto Co-Educator team at Aalto University
Elina Kähkönen, Aalto-yliopisto
Photo: Mikko Raskinen/Aalto University.

Elina Kähkönen, Doctor of Science, has been appointed Cross-cutting Areas Officer at Aalto University starting 1 January 2025. Kähkönen will be responsible for integrating all three of the university strategy's cross-cutting themes radical creativity, entrepreneurial mindset and solutions for sustainability into the university's research, teaching and impact activities. 

Elina Kähkönen completed a Doctor of Science degree in chemical engineering at Aalto University in 2011. She has more than a decade of experience in research and teaching at Aalto University. Kähkönen was appointed team leader of the Aalto Co-Educator project in 2021, in addition to which she has continued to carry out teaching and research. The goal of the Co-Educator team is to integrate cross-cutting themes into existing courses in collaboration with teachers, programme directors and researchers.

Kähkönen will work in close cooperation with Aalto University's six schools, service units and management. She will assemble a team of experts in cross-cutting areas to support her work, and the team will also begin its work at the beginning of 2025. Concentrating all cross-cutting areas in the same organisation will support the university's strategic goal of integrating these areas into all of the university's activities. 

Elina Kähkönen will report to Tomi Erho, Head of Innovation Services. 


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