
For students: Learn languages and intercultural competencies online with Unite! Apply now to courses in the autumn 2022

Unite! partner universities offer online courses in language, communication and global competence that are open to all Aalto University students.
Three students eating a snack and discussing over a computer on a rooftop terrace.

Study languages, enhance your global competence and make new friends by taking an online language & culture course together with students from other European Unite! universities. 

Linguistic and cultural diversity, understood as a positive asset, is at the very heart of Unite! - the University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering. 

Global competence, understood as the capacity to communicate and work effectively and appropriately together with people from different backgrounds, is increasingly seen as a vital core competence for graduates. This is because with cultural diversity comes the possibility to learn new things from other people allowing you to come up with new ideas to common challenges.

A few examples of the courses we offer: 

  • Developing global Competence: Working in an International Virtual Team offered by Aalto  (2 ECTS) 
  • Global Engineering offered by TU Darmstadt (3 ECTS)
  • Catalan for Beginners offered by UPC (2 ECTS) 

You can see all the courses available in this autumn series on this page: 

Virtual exchange courses on Metacampus

The courses are all online and offered by all partner universities of Unite!: 

Aalto University (Finland), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Grenoble INP - UGA (France), Politecnico Di Torino (Italy), the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (Spain), the Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) and the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) 

As a rule, we strive for a flexible multilingualism in Unite! universities which includes: English as the dominant language of instruction at M.Sc. and Ph.D. level, as well as the local language and culture of the partner university. As an alliance we aim to promote common European values and a strong European identity,  that is why Unite! Multilingual and Multicultural Training Center will help the student community by offering the appropriate guidance, help and services to bring together this mobile community. We believe that the best method to promote integration and culture is through language.

These series of Virtual learning tools and Language learning are aimed to help students within the Unite! university network to develop the linguistic and cultural competencies it takes to thrive and enjoy the benefits of living together in a globalised and culturally diverse world

Contacts for questions about courses and applications

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