
From space technology and shimmering wood to shapeshifting textiles – explore world-changing research in the brand new Marsio building

The Makers of the Impossible exhibition and the Designs for a Cooler Planet festival will kick off the autumn season at Marsio – Aalto University’s brand new, open-to-all campus venue.
Designer Noora Yau's shimmering wood chrystals. Photo: Mikko Raskinen
Noora Yau, Anna Semi and Konrad Klockars have made shimmering chrystals from wood. Photo: Mikko Raskinen

The sixth annual Designs for a Cooler Planet festival showcases the potential for a sustainable future when research, arts and design join forces.

Designs for a Cooler Planet gathers innovative, experimental, and creative concepts rooted in Aalto University's research, showcasing ideas aimed at transformative change. The projects on display encompass a range of developmental stages, from speculative concepts and prototypes to pilots and commercially viable solutions. Seemingly impossible challenges are addressed with multidisciplinarity, creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Experience eye-opening research projects that answer these questions:

  • Can a textile change its shape or self-clean?
  • What kind of health technology and services can be created in a multidisciplinary education program that utilizes design processes in a healthcare environment?
  • How we replace synthetic pigments with non-toxic colors?
  • Can we create biodegradable optical fiber from wood?
  • How can we transform hard-to-utilize roots, trunks, or branches into usable materials?
  • Can we replicate the outdoor nature experience that’s known to enhance well-being indoors, where we spend the majority of our time?
  • How can we embrace and preserve nature's biodiversity while considering the welfare of other living beings?
  • What are the methods used to study the sun?


Experience tomorrow – Welcome to Marsio!

The Designs for a Cooler Planet festival is one of the three main events of Helsinki Design Week. The festival's exhibitions will be showcased on campus and in the new Marsio building from 6 September to 3 October, 2024. Information about open events and guided tours will be available at the beginning of August on Cooler Planet's main page.

The Marsio building, set to open in the heart of the Otaniemi campus in September, is a tribute to the creative pioneer, architect, designer, entrepreneur and Aalto alumna Aino Marsio-Aalto. Aino and Alvar Aalto's architectural firm triumphed in the Otaniemi site plan design competition in 1949.

The new building not only offers exceptional facilities for teaching and research but also for hosting events.

In September at Marsio, visitors can explore seven groundbreaking examples from the first 15 years of Aalto University under the same theme "Makers of the Impossible." How does one build a quantum revolution, sustain a growing population within planetary boundaries and provide access to university education for all Finnish children — essentially making the impossible possible? After encountering the quantum garden and witnessing Finland's first satellite, guests can relax in a cozy cafe or drop by the Aalto Shop.

See this in the Designs for a Cooler Planet

These are just a few examples of what you can see in September!

Magnificent materials

Material literacy as an antidote for climate anxiety.

Transparent materials made out of wood

Bioeconomy 2.0

Unseen bio-based materials.

Wooden crystals

Entangled – Reimagining textile functionalities

Interdisciplinary collaboration transforming smart textiles.

3D textile architecture.

BioColour: sustainable colour aesthetics

Transforming fashion by getting rid of toxic colours.

Sofia Ilmonen Biocolour

Design thinking in health care

From hidden needs to medical innovations.

A device attachable to the forearm is one of the possibilities the hentoTouch team is currently exploring. Photo: Juliana Harkki.

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Wood crystals on a black fabric.

Designs for a Cooler Planet

This fall, the festival celebrates innovative and collaborative designs addressing the impossible sustainability challenges. Experience tomorrow in Otaniemi on 6 Sept – 3 Oct 2024!

Distorted reflection of two people outside at Otaniemi campus

Radical Creativity

There is no set recipe for changing the world. It takes courage and grit to boldly create something new without fearing failure.

Three-part image: yellow flower and text Marsio on the left, image of Aino-Marsio-Aalto in the middle, Aalto logo on the right


Marsio, the campus open-to-all meeting place, will open its doors in September 2024.

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