
Innovative learning on campus

Pohjois-Tapiola Upper Secondary School moved to Otaniemi campus. School as a Service is a new concept developed by Aalto and City of Espoo.

The students of Pohjois-Tapiola Upper Secondary School in Espoo began their studies on the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi at the beginning of the autumn term. The new facilities are located in the third and fourth floors of the Open Innovation House (OIH). Some lessons are organised elsewhere on the campus.

The solution is based on encouraging experiences of the first School as a Service experiment where Haukilahti Upper Secondary School moved to facilities on the Otaniemi campus a year ago. Students have said they appreciate a new, inspiring learning environment.

The School as a Service concept is based on a model developed by Aalto University and the City of Espoo. The school is seen as a service that supports learning comprehensively – not just as a school building. The model supports new ways of learning, increases the joy of learning and encourages actors to work together and develop their operations.  The school can utilise the various special facilities and services offered by the university. Teachers can collaborate with their colleagues working in the university and students can participate in university courses open to them.

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Upper secondary school and university learn together


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