
Restaurants added to the Aalto Space - test and win!

See if you can find the campus restaurants, cafés and bars in Aalto Space application and win summerish prizes.
Aalto Space mockup ravintolatarjonnasta

Otaniemi campus restaurants, cafés and bars have now been added to Aalto Space. You can also use the app's map to navigate to them and check the restaurants' lunch menus and opening hours. You can search for restaurants by name, through the list of restaurants or by typing "restaurant" in the search field.

The development of Aalto Space is taking place in phases, and we are now looking for feedback and development ideas from its enthusiastic users. Can you find the restaurant you are looking for on the list and the map? Is the navigation working, is the route suggestion appearing on the map? Do you have any other ideas or requests for improvement?

Always include the operating system (iOS / Android) and Aalto Space version of your phone, and send your feedback to [email protected]. During July, several summerish prizes will be drawn among those who provide feedback leading to the development of the app!

Aalto Space applikaatio Kuva: Hannes Huotari

Aalto Space mobile application

Aalto Space allows you to book conference and group work facilities and helps you navigate the campus.


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