
ITS renews 1000 staff’s Aalto computers

ITS has started ‘Personnel Computer Renewal’ project.

The aim of this project is to renew at least  1000 outdated personnel's Aalto workstations and reduce technology debt of the departments. First batch of computers will arrive in October and renewal continues up to first quarter of 2018. ITS and IT staff of the departments will do the computer changes together.

New workstations will mainly be Aalto Windows 10 laptops. Desktops can be purchased, if fairly needed. Laptops enable new ways of working at Aalto University and provide possibility to use new office spaces. Also outdated Mac and Linux computers can be renewed within this project. But only standardised PC laptops and PC desktops will be paid by ITS. Of other computers ITS will pay 1000€ and the unit pays rest.

The project has started in co-operation between ITS and ICT groups. Together we will make lists of computers that will be renewed. This working method helps to find a common definition for old computers and information exchange between ITS and schools/units is confirmed. ITS will make computers lists for joint services. Renewal will start from technical schools, as the change process is developed together with ITS and department IT staff. One part of the project is to renew Aalto Windows installation procedure. From now on Aalto IT supplier can do the basic installation, which saves IT staff’s computer delivery time at Aalto University.

Project Manager Osku Kaijalainen, [email protected]

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