Kopiosto copying licence for universities in use
It makes it possible to partially photocopy and digitise printed publications, print out digital materials, and copy and use online materials as course material in teaching and as a part of the material created by lecturers, teachers or other educators themselves.
With a copying licence, a language course teacher can copy materials such as Finnish or foreign newspaper articles or extracts of short stories for translation exercises for the use of the course participants in teaching situations.
Kopiosto is a joint copyright organisation for authors, publishers and performing artists. Kopiosto visits educational institutions to provide education about copyrights and licences for educational institutions.You can find out more about getting training for your own university by contacting the following address: [email protected]
Brochure: kopiointilupaesite-korkeakoulut_ENG.pdf
More information about the licences and the possibilities they offer:
Gamified online materials for learning and teaching about copyright available online for free : www.kopiraittila.fi