
Leevi Härkönen learned concrete work life skills in a student organization

Chemical engineering student Leevi Härkönen discovered student organization activities early in his studies. He feels that it gives him the opportunity to serve his community and learn valuable work life skills.
Leevi Härkönen
Leevi Härkönen

While in high school, Leevi Härkönen was still hesitant about his future studies. He studied natural sciences, but chemistry did not feel like his cup of tea. On the contrary, it felt difficult and illogical. However, when he started reading for matriculation exams, the secrets of chemistry began to unravel. Leevi's interest in the subject grew and after the exams, chemistry was his thing. Leevi pondered between chemistry and chemical engineering when deciding where to study. He finally decided to study at Aalto, as the technical environment seemed to suit a problem solver.

Leevi, who moved from Lappeenranta to the capital region, got involved in student activities from the very first year. "I didn't really know anyone who would study chemical engineering here. During orientation week, we had a really nice freshman group. The Association of Process Engineering Students were a welcoming community and I felt really welcome at all the events and at Aalto in general. The atmosphere was good," Leevi says. During his first year, he decided to get involved in The Association of Process Engineering Students. Volunteering felt rewarding and fun, and in his second year of studies, Leevi was already keen to make a bigger contribution. "I started thinking that I could give a little more of myself to this community, pay back a little of what I got," he says.

The student organization work continued in the role of Head of Study Affairs, and the close-knit board made the work rewarding. Although not all tasks were always fun, the overall experience was rewarding. Leevi also feels that he has gained concrete work life skills. "I wasn't really active in any organizations before university. In retrospect, just knowing how to organize meetings is a basic skill, but I had never learned it. Now I'm very good at chairing a meeting." Scheduling is another concrete skill that Leevi was able to learn: "It was quite a lot of scheduling and organizing. In other words, leadership, which you could practice in a safe environment."

Although active involvement in a student organization helped him to integrate into Otaniemi, Leevi feels that all newcomers are enthusiastically welcomed. Everyone is open-minded and eager to get to know their fellow students. As a tip for out-of-towners, Leevi points to the interdisciplinary student unions, whose members are often from the same region.

Leevi encourages high school students interested in technical fields to apply to study chemical engineering. "It's worth testing it out. During the first year, you will take a wide range of courses in the different majors, which differ from one another. At Aalto, you can also get to know different fields during your studies by taking courses in other fields. Personally, I became interested in computer science in my first year and have continued to study it as a minor. It's easy to make your studies your own, and getting into Aalto doesn't tie you to just one field of study, as you might think!" Leevi says.

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