Course structure and content
The overarching purpose of the course is to give you tools for healthy studying. The structure uses the FSHS’s (YTHS) study ability model and the online materials of Aalto's study and career counselling psychologists. There are also methods of acceptance and commitment therapy in the background.
The course introduces weekly study skills and wellbeing themes:
- Week 0: Pre-assignment, the return of which on time is also a prerequisite for continuing the course and entering the small group!
- Week 1: Towards being well in studying. The week includes a meeting to start the course on Zoom.
- Week 2: Meaningful use of time
- Week 3: Space for recovery and focus on studying
- Week 4: Study techniques: How do I study?
- Week 5: A place to pause - time for thoughts and feelings
- Week 6: In search of a compassionate-self
You do the course online, as guided online-work, and it progresses weekly. Please note that participation requires that the preliminary assignment is ready in the given schedule. Each week includes online independent exercises and a group meeting as agreed by the group (live or remotely).
Both individual and group assignments for each course week are returned by each Sunday of the course week. Group work is a central part of the course. In the course, you practice giving and receiving encouraging feedback, as well as drawing up joint schedules and committing to them.
The course is evaluated on a pass/fail scale. Completing the course successfully requires doing weekly assignments, participating in small group work, and returning assigned assignments in the given schedule.