Minor studies in Management?
Management and International Business Master level Minor studies consist of one mandatory course and three elective courses. It is possible to do Minor studies in Summer term if you can study very intensively. Please note also that you should have done previous candidate level studies in Management. The mandatory book exam leads to the themes of the Minor studies. The material of the mandatory course gives a good start for your studies if you manage to absorb it well.
Here are the possible courses in Summer:
Mandatory course (6 cr):
- Introduction to Management and International Business, book exam, 6 cr. Exam date 13.6.2017 (registration ends 6.6.2017)
Possible elective courses in Summer term (18 cr)
- People Management in Multinational Organizations, 6 cr. Teaching dates Mon 5.6., Wed 7.6., Thu 8.6., Mon 12.6., Wed 14.6., Fri 16.6., Sat 17.6., Mon 19.6. This course is an intensive and interactive course which requires a considerable amount of work between the lectures, too.
- Responsibility Management, book exam, 6 cr Exam date 20.6.2017 at 16-20.
- Inside Work Cultures, book exam, 6 cr Exam date 15.8.2017 at 16-20.
The aim of the minor in Management and International Business is to focus on working and interacting with diverse people in the various contexts of the global economy, and it offers competences that enable graduates to respond to strategic and organizational challenges in a creative, responsible and interdisciplinary manner.