
New Windows Workstations in M101 Classroom

The Surface Studio workstations in the M101 classroom have been changed to new Windows computers. These are equipped with similar software as before, but no longer have digital drawing possibilities. You can use the Wacom Cintiq workstations in K103 and in H003 for digital drawing.
Windows workstations in the M101 classroom.
M101 Classroom

More Information

Read more about the M101 computers and the K103 digital drawing possibilities.

Windows workstations in the M101 classroom.


The class is a Windows lab centrally maintained by Aalto IT with 20 Windows-workstations for students and one for a teacher.

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture
K103 with Wacom Cintiqs


An ARTS special workstation lab with several powerful Windows workstations and Wacom Cintiq digital drawing screens.

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture
ARTS Workstations Team
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