
Online Hybrid Lab newsletter, June 2022

Online Hybrid Lab is wrapping up the spring season and looking forward to the summer!

Dear all,
we had a fantastic year and would like to thank all of you with whom we had the pleasure to work, collaborate, build concepts, discuss ideas, plan, and develop online courses. We hope to hear more from you soon, but for now please read about our latest activities and news:

People working on desk computers

One more master's thesis is on the way to improve online learning at Aalto!

Jutta Tavaila joined us to work on her master's thesis. How can we make online courses with pre-recorded videos more engaging? In her thesis Jutta will research this topic with the aim to find out what kind of structural and design elements motivate students to learn online. 

Jutta is a student of master's programme in information networks with a focus area on social and digital media. You can read about the programme here.

Games pipeline illustration_credit Solip Park

Game Production Pipeline is at HEAD'22 Conference, 15 - 17 of June 2022.

Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Lab will present a paper to describe the new Game Production Pipeline (GPP) developed in the Aalto University. The paper describes our effort to assist and guide educators in making educational games within higher education. The GPP addresses the epistemic gap between game design, virtual education, and game production. Authors investigate what are the educators’ needs, wishes and what are the challenges in this area.
The GPP is now being used to develop 3 educational games to be launched within this summer. The paper will be available at the HEAD'22 website after the conference is over.

EDULEARN22 venue

360° Pipeline documented in paper for EDULEARN22.

The production pipeline for 360° learning environments that we are currently building at Online Hybrid Lab has now been documented in a paper and accepted for EDULEARN22, a conference on education and new learning. 

In this paper we report the different elements and phases of the pipeline, describe resources needed and elements to consider such as funding, equipment, and platforms. The paper presents two cases illustrating the use of 360° learning environments production pipeline.

EDULEARN is one of the largest international education conferences for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational sector will be held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) on the 4 – 6th of July, 2022.
More information about the conference.

University of Vaasa, Photo by Sofia Sevon and Taija Votkin

360° Learning Environments raised interest in Vaasa.

Language Centre teachers from universities all over Finland met in Vaasa to discuss new trends in language learning. Online Hybrid Lab gave a presentation about language learning in 360° environments and the added value it can provide, such as virtual immersion in culturally interesting and field specific places that otherwise are difficult to access. While being on the road we also took some 360° photos. Here you find one from the beautiful campus of University of Vaasa.

More information about 21st Language Centre days.

photo of video production

Online Hybrid Lab offered its expertise in educational video productions for Aalto University programs.

This spring we were happy to assist Aalto Summer School, Aalto Ventures Program with developing video educational content for some of their online courses. Educational videos are quite a popular component of MOOCs and when done right can elevate the learning experience in MOOCs and online courses to a new level.
When to consider producing online course? Whenever you are thinking of having high impact, for example through scaling up the course offering or reaching new audiences. Please contact and consult with us at the Online Hybrid Lab. With our expertise in 360 learning environments, educational games and MOOCs we are happy to advise Aalto University programs, units, and educators on how to create an engaging online course.

Summer is finally here to get some rest, gather energy and perhaps even plan the online course production for the next academic year. We wish you a great summer and hope to see you soon! 
Online Hybrid Lab team
Tomi, Sofia, Taija, David, Ylva, Valeria, Jutta and Tuuli

a photo of Aalto University BIZ main building by Mika Huisman

Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Lab

Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Hub design, test, and promote production models and best practices in the field of online learning.

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Campus, Cooperation, University Published:

Summmer break in HR service point and new opening hours starting from 6 August 2024

HR service point is closed on 28 June - 5 August 2024. New opening hours are tuesday - thursday at 12.00 - 15.00 starting from 6 August 2024.

Please note that the opening hours will change starting from 6 August 2024.
Kaksi mieshenkilöä juhlapuvuissa kiltalippujen edessä
Awards and Recognition, University Published:

68 doctors, five honorary doctors - see photos from the conferment of Doctoral Degrees in Technology

The Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees in Technology 2024 took place on Friday 14 June at Dipoli.
Fajr Asghar (left) and Vilma Svynarenko (right)
University Published:

TET interns Fajr Asghar and Vilma Svynarenko explored everything from solar cells to Täffä’s spaghetti in Aalto

Fajr Asghar and Vilma Svynarenko first calculated the efficiency of solar cells and then wrote an article on renewable energy.
A group of people walking along the linden alley in summer
Cooperation, Research & Art, University Published:

Strong overall result: 27.5 million euros from the Research Council of Finland

A total of 52 Aalto researchers received Academy Research Fellowship and Academy Project funding. The total funding awarded to Aalto University amounts to 27.5 million euros