
Pharmaca, VTT, Aalto University and Finnish Centre for Client and Patient Safety launch Innovation Ecosystem Project for Medication Safety

Aim of project is to improve knowledge of medication safety and promote use of technical solutions supporting medication safety in different sectors and organisations
people brainstorming
Image: Pharmaca

Pharmaca Health Intelligence (formerly Pharmaceutical Information Centre), VTT, Aalto University, and the Finnish Centre for Client and Patient Safety have launched an innovation ecosystem project targeting medication safety. The project is part of Sitra's Health Data 2030 initiative aiming to find solutions, fair rules, and ways for cross-border use of health data in Europe, and to promote Finland's competitiveness in the healthcare sector.

The goal of the project is to improve medication safety expertise and promote the use of technical solutions that support medication safety in various industries and organisations. The project improves various stakeholders’ access to medication safety expertise and enables extensive collaboration between industries.

In the Innovation Ecosystem Project for Medication Safety, national and global data resources are systematically mapped. Combining and analysing the data creates new understanding of medication safety implementation. These data resources form the basis for developing new data-driven innovations to address medication safety challenges and solve medication safety problems. National and global data resources provide significant opportunities in managing the risk of medication interactions, for example.

The key enabler of the project is Pharmaca Health Intelligence's medication interaction database, which is internationally utilised and designed to meet the needs of healthcare professionals.

'Existing data resources should be increasingly utilized in decision-making. Improving medication safety increases people's well-being and saves resources', says Essi Kariaho, Director of Pharmaceutical Information at Pharmaca.

The ecosystem will be expanded during the project to serve the wellness, food, ICT, and analytics industries and authorities. The project will end in May 2023.

For more information about the project:

Aalto University: Satu Kaleva, [email protected]
Pharmaca Health Intelligence: Päivi Rastas, [email protected]
VTT: Jaakko Lähteenmäki, [email protected]
Finnish Centre for Client and Patient Safety: Marianne Kuusisto, [email protected]

More information about Sitra's Health Data 2030 initiative and other related projects:

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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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