
Professor Monika Österberg's team received funding for the development of bio-based packaging materials

The Finnish Research Impact Foundation funding awarded to Professor Monika Österberg's team will enable Aalto University and Kemira to explore the possibilities of developing fully bio-based packaging materials to reduce the use of plastics in the packaging industry.
Professori Monika Österberg.

Three out of eight of this year's Tandem Industry Academia -funded projects are from Aalto University. Using the €190 700 funding directed to Professor Monika Österberg's team at the School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University and Kemira are jointly exploring the possibilities of developing fully bio-based packaging materials to reduce the use of plastics in the packaging industry.

“Tandem Industry Academia funding is a unique possibility to work closely with a company towards a joint goal and on equal terms. Such collaboration allows us to deepen the connections between Aalto University and our industrial partner, Kemira. I also think it is an excellent chance for the postdoctoral researcher to gain a better understanding of how research work is conducted in a company and to expand their career and research opportunities”, says Monika Österberg.

Other TIA-funded projects at Aalto University aim to develop better solutions for quality assurance in 3D printing and the development of treatments for brain disease. More information on the projects funded can be found on The Finnish Research Foundation's website.

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