
Publication Forum seeks new panellists for term 2025-2028

If you are interested in becoming a panel member of the Publication Forum (Julkaisufoorumi, Jufo), apply by 15.6.2024.
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The panellists are chosen from amongst academics with experience in research, scholarly publishing and research evaluation. In appointing the panellists, attention is paid to a fair representation of different research fields, career phases, organisations and genders.   

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies has also requested proposals from universities, government research institutions, academies and learned societies. These proposals are taken into account in the selection of the panellists, but a researcher can apply, even if no organisation or society has recommended them.

Announcement at and application form 

Publication Forum is a classification of publication channels created by the Finnish scientific community to support the quality assessment of academic research.

  • Publication Forum includes four levels: 1=basic scientific level, 2=leading level, 3=top level, 0=evaluated channels that fail to fulfil level 1 criteria at the time of evaluation.
  • Level 1 classification evolves through introduction of new publication channels, levels 2 and 3 are re-evaluated once in four years (next time in 2026)
  • Peer-reviewed publications are weighted using the coefficients based on the Publication Forum level of the outlet and the openness of the publication.
  • The rating for articles in journals or compilations as well as monographs is primarily determined by the level awarded to the journal or series in question. The level awarded to the series is also applied to edited books and conference articles, unless the conference in question has been classified separately.
  • The level of peer-reviewed conference papers is primarily determined on the basis of the conference. Individual conferences will be classified only in those cases in which the grade of the conference publication deviates from the determined level of the series or the publisher serving as a publication channel. These conferences are listed under the event’s established name. 

Further information[email protected] 

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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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