Student Mobility on Campus in the Beginning of Academic Year
Following doors are open:
Otakaari 5 (A Grid), Ekonomiaukio 1, Betonimiehentie 5 (Design Factory), Otakaari 24 Käpyovi (Dipoli), Otakaari 3A, Rakentajanaukio 4A, Otakaari 7B, Otaniementie 14 (Väre), Otaniementie 9A (Learning Centre), Konemiehentie 2A, Maarintie 8A1, Otakaari 1F, 1M ja 1X (Candidate Centre), Kemistintie 1A, Vuorimiehentie 1A, Vuorimiehentie 2 and Otakaari 4A.
Situation can change during the autumn. Also school spesific exceptions are possible.
Students can book a seat in more than 20 self-study spaces using the Aalto Space mobile app, although all study spaces or IT classrooms will not be available. In the Aalto Space application, the self-study spaces are listed as silent spaces. To avoid causing crowds, you should visit the campus only for a valid study-related reason.
Register your HSL-card
Later, in normal situation students need HSL-card as an access token in the campus. Card should be registered in Use your Aalto University login details to sign in. The page requires you to enter your phone number in international format and your HSL card number. If you have difficulty in activating your card, contact the IT service desk, [email protected]. You can use new HSL-card (blue) or old one (green).
Registered HSL-card is later your key to move in campus buildings. Our aim is later to give separate tokens also to students.
Read more about access politics and information about the tokens