
Summer School alum story: Nordic Product Design invites students to materialise their designs in new and unique ways

Tommaso Astaldi wanted to experience the Nordic approach to learning and teaching at Aalto University Summer School.
Tommaso Astaldi at a Summer School event on campus.

Tommaso Astaldi is studying Product, Interior, Communication and Eco-Social Design at the University of Florence and attended the Nordic Product Design course by Aalto University Summer School in July 2024. With only one year left of his Bachelor’s studies, Tommaso wanted to enrich his academic experiences and curriculum by participating in a summer course in Northern Europe to experience new ways of learning.

Before we even begin our interview with Tommaso, he simply states that he loves Finland.

‘I specifically looked for a summer course in the Nordics after hearing great things about the learning methods. The Scandinavian approach to teaching is widely appreciated from where I come from in Italy. Adding this course to my CV will certainly open up opportunities for me in my future career and enhance my academic and intellectual development. I look forward to integrating the skills I acquire into my studies and my personal life,’ Tommaso says.

‘I have become familiar with Nordic product designers and their most famous projects, and have developed a fascination for the Nordic way of life, the Finnish way of life in particular, and the philosophy of Nordic design in general,’ Tommaso continues.

What was your favourite part of the Nordic Product Design course?

The course began with a theoretical exploration of Nordic design, emphasizing sustainability, functionalism, and design history. We quickly shifted focus to a more hands-on and practical method by starting to build our design from idea to final product. This was by far the most impressive part of the course for me, as building something with my hands is something I have never done during my studies at my home university before. Witnessing a design vision materialize so realistically was a unique experience, and I am excited to present it to the class!

I also really enjoyed the alternative and interactive ways of learning, such as through walks in nature, museum visits and workshops with my coursemates. 

The course truly widened my mind and gave me a fresh perspective, not only on the course topic itself, but thanks to the internationally diverse course group also on new cultures.

Students working on a group project during the Nordic Product Design course.
Tommaso and his course mates working on a group project during the Nordic Product Design course.

Do you have any tips for students applying to this course next year?

I would warmly recommend taking any course at Summer School as a convenient and fun way to change your surroundings and experience something new. There is no need to be nervous for not being a very experienced traveller – the summer school staff has been great in their support before and during the course. 

Did anything surprise you about Finland?

Coming from a very loud culture in Italy, I was prepared to experience a more quiet country. However, Finland was even more calm and peaceful than I expected. For example, grocery shopping in my home country always makes me extremely stressed, but here it felt relaxing.

Tommaso continued his travels in Finland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden together with his family immediately after the end of the course to get the most out of his Scandinavian experience. 

Apply to Nordic Product Design Winter School


Nordic Product Design Winter School

Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that makes it easier to identify challenges and create solutions for both individuals and organisations. This summer course explores the Nordic aspect of design, emphasising sustainability and ecological thinking, as well as functionalism and critical design.

Aalto University Summer School
Students in front of Väre building of Aalto University campus

Aalto University Summer School

Aalto University Summer School offers high quality academic summer courses and programs at Aalto University.

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