
Support for teachers collected on one page

We have now gathered the key Aalto University staff instructions on teaching and learning in one place. Information about Aalto University's teaching and learning culture, practical aspects of teaching and developing as a teacher can be found on the Teacher onboarding page of the Teacher's Handbook, a key resource for both new and old all Aalto teachers.
Students on Aalto University campus. Photo by Petri Anttila.
Students on Aalto University campus. Photo by Petri Anttila.

New onboarding toolkit for teachers

The Teacher onboarding toolkit has been developed by Teacher services during autumn 2023. In January 2024, Aalto University's Learning Services Operative Management Team (LESjory) approved the redesigned Teacher onboarding toolkit to serve as a shared framework for the onboarding of new teachers at the Aalto schools. 

The aim of developing the Teacher onboarding toolkit was to support schools in onboarding teachers by collecting the existing best practices in a single place and harmonising relevant contents, as well as by producing support material related to teaching for all Aalto teachers. Teacher onboarding often involves several experts from the schools’ Learning Services, and the related practices vary from school to school.

The redesigned Teacher onboarding toolkit is divided into four sections: 

Teaching and learning at Aalto University

Teaching and learning at your school

How to get started with teaching

How to develop as a teacher?

To support the independent and goal-oriented development of the employee being onboarded, we have set intended learning outcomes for the onboarding process, and each section also includes learning tasks to support the achievement of those outcomes. The employee being onboarded and the person in charge of the onboarding process can plan and monitor the process with the help of a designated template. The material intended for the new employee is available at: Teacher onboarding | Aalto University.

The redesigned toolkit also provides the Aalto schools and persons in charge of the onboarding process with support in planning the onboarding process and related sessions. Among other things, various templates and an extensive list of resources and best practices are now available. For the material intended for the staff member responsible for onboarding, go to the Learning Services’ Teams channel.

You can give feedback on the redesigned teacher onboarding toolkit here:

What is the Teacher’s Handbook?

The Teacher's Handbook is a website put together to provide the Aalto teaching staff with practical information about teaching at Aalto University. The handbook topics include practical information on teaching practices, as well as rules, regulations, and guidelines concerning teaching; digital platforms for teaching and learning; and the campus teaching facilities. The handbook’s teacher onboarding page provides you with helpful information for getting started as a teacher at Aalto University. The Teacher’s Handbook is maintained by Teacher services.

Teacher services

Teacher services advances learning centricity and high-quality teaching by offering support services for the Aalto community: we construct new concepts and services and offer support, consultation and training. You can reach us through the MyTeaching Support service. For more information, see here: Teacher services | Aalto University.

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