The university's new decade started joyously
On 8 January, Aalto University marked its tenth anniversary. The day was celebrated in Dipoli in a cheerful and warm atmosphere. A large number of staff, students, emeritus and emerita professors and former members of the Aalto community were seen at the event.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of KONE, Antti Herlin, congratulated the university through a video greeting during the afternoon event. Herlin is an honorary doctor of Aalto University and he was in charge of collecting foundation capital from companies when the university was founded.
In his speech, Jussi Herlin described the ten-year history of Aalto University from his own perspective as an alumnus of Aalto University and Vice Chairman of the Board of KONE. The main themes of his speech included the constantly changing world and challenges related to the anticipation of changes. As key issues, he also highlighted internationalisation, climate change and sustainable development.
In his speech, President Ilkka Niemelä emphasised the importance of a common direction and shared values, as well as ambitious goals both in the early stages of the university’s journey and in the future. He also presented the university's new living strategy, which will come into force at the beginning of 2021.
The celebrations continued in line with the rest of the programme until the evening. The university's competences and innovations were presented in the form of numerous demos, ranging from research to teaching and student projects. Aalto University Student Union AYY took part in the celebrations in various ways, and presented its All to X application, which will bring together Aalto University actors and other members of the Aalto community to celebrate the AYY10 anniversary. The day culminated in an Aalto quiz, science show, music and dance: see the photos below!
Ilkka Niemelä's speechAalto University's strategy that will come into force on 1 January 2021All to X application (> Facebook)
Photos Mikko Raskinen and Kalle Kataila / Aalto University
Moments from Aalto10 celebrations
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