
There is a long tradition of teaching retailing at the School of Business

The next Better Business – Better Society seminar will discuss how the retail sector is being reformed and where it is headed.
Kuvassa Arto Lindblomin, Juhani Pekkalan ja Lasse Mitrosen kuvat sekä teksti Uudistuva kauppa vihreällä taustalla

The School of Business has a long history of developing the teaching and research in the field of retailing. In fact, Finland's first professorship in retailing was founded in 1996 at the Helsinki School of Economics, and the master's degree programme in retailing was launched in 2005. With the establishment of Aalto University, this master's programme, which focused on specific issues in the field of retailing, was integrated into more extensive degree education in marketing.

The retailing education provided at Aalto University has always been characterised by very close cooperation with business life. The retail courses are regularly visited by business managers, and the students carry out exercises and group assignments focusing on the topical themes and questions of retailing. The contents of the courses are also continuously updated based on student feedback and the changing competence needs in the field.

‘In our retailing education, we strive to address the specific issues and themes that are central to the retail sector and to promote our students' ability to work in demanding expert and managerial positions in the field of retailing’, says Professor and Head of the Department of Marketing Arto Lindblom.

In addition to education focusing on retailing, Aalto University School of Business carries out high-quality academic research in the field of retailing. The range of phenomena being studied is extensive, and different background theories and research methods are being applied in research. This research, which sometimes can seem very abstract, may not always be directly visible to companies in the sector, but indirectly it is all the more important. Research is the basis of the education provided at universities.

The Better Business – Better Society seminar on Thursday 5 November will discuss more extensively the teaching and research of retailing and how the retail sector is being reformed and where it is headed. The seminar will be held in Finnish.

Arto Lindblom

Lasse Mitronen
Professor of Practice

Juhani Pekkala
Executive in Residence

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