
‘We enjoyed the inspiring atmosphere of the School of Business’!

By donating, our alumni Antti and Susanne Suhonen want to support Finland's success in a tough international competition.
Antti ja Susanne Suhonen
Susanne and Antti Suhonen at Boston Promenade x Kauppis Alumnifest event at Korjaamo Töölö on 15 August 2024. Photo: Roope Kiviranta / Aalto University

School of Business alumni and donors Susanne and Antti Suhonen began their studies at the then Helsinki School of Economics in 1990. When Susanne, as a high school student in Oulu, was considering where to study, she had two choices: either Helsinki School of Economics or University of Helsinki Faculty of Law. ‘In the end, it was an easy choice, as a very convincing student marketing team from the School of Business came to talk about the studies.’ For Antti, there was no doubt about his choice of study place, and he couldn't even think of any other options than the School of Business. ‘It's really good that the student marketing team is visiting high schools all around Finland and giving example that it's possible to come to study at Aalto University School of Business also from smaller towns.’

Right at the beginning of their studies, Susanne and Antti ended up in the same tutor group, where they got to know each other and found that they clicked very well. Now they have been together for 30 years and married for 26. ‘The best thing about the study time at the School of Business was meeting Antti. Other important friendships were formed at the School and many of them have lasted through the decades. All the parties in the student clubs and singing in the KYN choir were important and great experiences were shared. We also went abroad with the choir to sing, and we became a close-knit group,’ says Susanne. 

Antti recalls how the current Aalto Finance was already back in his day a very active student club for people interested in finance. ‘In the 90s, the club was in its infancy, but the people around it were able to build a good foundation for its future.’ In regards to finding a partner, Antti agrees with Susanne, ‘That was the best thing about the study time at the School.’   

'You can do it!'

Today, Susanne works in leadership advisory and executive search at Russell Reynolds Associates in London. She has been working in London for 25 years, most of her career. 

‘When I started my master’s thesis, Arto Lahti, Professor of Entrepreneurship, knew the development director of a predecessor company to Telia and that's how I got to do my thesis for them. After completing the degree, I was able to continue in the company's innovation and strategy departments, where I stayed for five years. Back then, not everyone had a mobile phone, and the commercialisation of the Internet was about, among other things, how to get people to buy stamps online! The digital revolution was just beginning.’

‘Antti moved to London first, and a year later I followed. I applied for and was granted leave of absence with the intention of finishing my doctoral degree. I then joined McKinsey & Company, and the completion of my doctoral thesis was about to get sidetracked by my new day job. But I spent all my free time writing my thesis and I finished it and did my doctoral defence in 2002. I spent a total of 14 years at McKinsey before joining my current employer. I am currently working on executive search and board effectiveness projects across Europe. When I worked in the US for a couple of years, I also did projects in North and South America.’

‘During my career, I have had the opportunity to work in very international teams. The business studies provided me a good basis for that. I remember that the School of Business had a great atmosphere and there was a positive spirit of 'You can do it!', and that attitude has helped me in my career. In my current job, DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) matters are very much in the spotlight, and it is also worth continuing to promote them at university. The world will be a better place if we are open to different perspectives.’

‘It's like coming home’

Antti's career began in the summer of '93 at the Union Bank of Finland (Suomen Yhdyspankki), where he was able to apply what he had learned at the School of Business. The business degree proved to be very useful in practice. From the perspective of international banking, Helsinki School of Economics started to get recognised as a serious recruitment platform alongside its counterparts in Stockholm and Copenhagen in the late 90s. Antti moved permanently to London in 1997, where he continued to work for various banks, most recently Barclays. He completed his doctoral degree in finance in 1999. 

‘Today, I work on consulting and advisory projects in London and the Nordic countries alongside my role at Aalto. Throughout my banking career, I kept in touch with my finance professors Eero Kasanen, Matti Keloharju and Vesa Puttonen, who later became my colleagues. I gave a few guest lectures at the School of Business, and we met for lunches and dinners. My work at the bank involved applied academic research and as part of that I was even more closely connected to the School.’

‘At the end of February 2014, I had my first lecture as a professor of practice in Töölö (Helsinki) where the School of Business was formerly located. I happened to bump into Eero Kasanen on the staircase of the Chydenia building and he asked me how I was. I told him being back at the school felt like coming home. Teaching has been very interesting and rewarding experience for me. I’ve also found that when I meet old friends and tell them what I do these days, a surprising number of them have considered a similar role. There is a lot of interest in teaching and sharing real-life experience with students out there!’

Eight languages and project management skills

Being able to study a lot of languages was a great opportunity at the School of Business, says Susanne. ‘Both of us also did an exchange in France. I highly recommend going on an exchange and studying languages if you have the opportunity. Antti and I have studied a total of eight languages, even Japanese, which we were able to learn at the School of Business.’

Antti majored in finance, Susanne in entrepreneurship. ‘The fact that I did my doctoral degree has enabled me to teach at the School of Business today. Project management skills and a certain critical and analytical approach to problem-solving are other lasting benefits of the doctoral studies,’ Antti says. ‘Doing research at work also comes more naturally with a background in doctoral studies,’ Susanne adds.

Donations as an enabler of Finland's success

The alumni community and donations have been on Antti and Susanne’s mind especially for the past 15 years. ‘By participating in alumni activities, we have been able to renew old acquaintances and meet new people. It has also been a pleasure to attend Aalto alumni meetings in London. Since completing my doctoral degree and Antti starting teaching at the School of Business, we have also had the privilege to participate in the School of Business Ceremonial Conferments.’

‘We are grateful for what we have been given and want to give back and work to ensure that future generations of business students will be even better equipped for the future. Finland's success in the world is very important to us. It's a tough world out there, and Aalto University School of Business has many great international competitors, many of whom have better resources than the School of Business and Finland. If we don't have the money to hire top international academics to do research and teach at our faculty, we won't be able to compete.’

‘The great thing about the professorship of ownership, to which we have also directed our donations, is that the idea came from the business community. The School of Business responded to a need in the society, and donors were willing to invest in it.’

Finally, Antti and Susanne want to emphasize to current students how the School of Business provides a good framework for solving problems in various situations in working life. ‘You are in a good place! Focus on your studies, but it's also worth getting involved in student associations. Take advantage of this great opportunity to build yourself an interdisciplinary degree, which is definitely worth completing. You’ll have plenty of time to be in the working life for decades to come. Try to find the right balance of work vs. leisure time: we play a lot of golf and Susanne is also into music. Friends are important – again this summer we got to spend time in Finland with our old School of Business friends.’


Did you know that nowadays only about 56% of Aalto University’s expenses are covered with the Ministry of Education and Culture funding, while the rest is obtained from a variety of other sources? Donations support quality education and research to address the challenges facing society. A warm thank you to all supporters of the School of Business!


Interview: Fiona Jokivuolle, Terhi Ollikainen and Jonna Söderholm (08/2024)
Text: Terhi Ollikainen
Photo: Roope Kiviranta

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