
Webinar on Automatic Coordination of Construction Actors – ACTOR

ACTOR is a Finnish R&D project aiming to increase construction productivity and decrease carbon emissions through process automation. The first ACTOR webinar on November 3, 2022, introduces the project and its consortium and discusses construction productivity killers and ways to overcome them.

The webinar starts at 5 pm Helsinki, 3 pm London, and 8 am Pacific time.

Register for the webinar and receive updates on the ACTOR project.


ACTOR aims to doublethe productive time of a construction worker, reduce construction material waste and energy consumption significantly, and increase the industry's output, adding 2–3 billion euro to Finland's GDP.

The ACTOR consortium members are:

  • Aalto University
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
  • Carinafour
  • Flow Technologies
  • Trimble Solutions Oy
  • Kone

ACTOR is supported by Business Finland's Low Carbon Built Environment Program, which receives funding from the EU's Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Read more about ACTOR.

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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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