Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Movement for a Better Brain

Even a small amount of movement can refresh the brain and enrich thinking.


We tend to have a rather stereotypical image of mobility in society. Sometimes exercise is offered as a treatment in a way that can even increase anxiety, rather than encourage exercise. Of course, it's only positive if a pair of sneakers and exercise in a group inspires and encourages you to get moving. Exercise is undeniably healthy. But it is also good to be aware that even a small amount of exercise can stimulate the brain and enrich thinking.

Movement and exercise are much more than just exercise. Perhaps the best way to increase well-being is not to work through a long list of goals, challenges and demands. Indeed, physical activity could be reflected in our daily lives and in different situations in many different ways. How could movement be part of a regular meeting or a normal part of lecturing and learning?

In recent years, we have begun to better understand the many ways in which the body and mind are interconnected. More and more research has enriched our understanding of this connection and more and more experts have risen to remind us of the importance of the whole in our desire to support, maintain and enhance our well-being. At the same time, fragmentation, information overload, rush and stress have increased concerns about the functioning and well-being of our brains.

Aalto University has joined the national Mobile Learning programme and the Mobile University Student project, which aim to increase resilience and improve study skills, create greater inclusion, a stronger sense of community and thus achieve better learning outcomes. New services have been developed, such as local exercise classes, the Break Pro exercise app, livestreamed classes and ready-made break exercise videos. 


  1. Read the background article Move Your Brain! – How does movement increase wellbeing?
  2. Check out UniSport's Reducing sitting and being sedentary - easy material
  3. Take advantage of the How to add more movement to teaching, see 6 tips!
  4. Do mindfulness exercise

Move Your Brain! – How does movement increase wellbeing?

How should we move? What kind of exercise would best support the wellbeing of the mind?

Read the article! ⏰~5 min.
Keys to Your Wellbeing V: Move Your Brain!

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