Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Oasis blog: How might we face each other with more openness, kindness, and respect?

“We consciously chose to approach these topics through fictional characters, and on that notion, the storylines could be connected to anyone and no one specific – simultaneously. Rather than giving harsh structures, we aimed to ignite ideas, open discussions, and broaden perspectives”, describes Eli Saaresto, who led the Aalto Safer Space project from the OASIS of Radical Wellbeing team.
three caracters talking about their origins
Part of one of the comics by Riina Pesonen

In a multidisciplinary team of three students, the project Aalto Safer Space was born in an effort to offer low-threshold tools to interact with our community more inclusively. The working group included Riina Pesonen (Visual Communication Design) as the visual artist, Yasmin Najjar (Film directing) as a dramaturg, and Eli Saaresto (Marketing) as the project lead. Comic art was chosen as the medium based on the aim to create something that could simultaneously be easily approachable, visual, and informative. The materials are distributed both in physical spaces as well as digitally through social media.

The project name Aalto Safer Space is a play on words – combining safer space principles with outer space. The comics include topics such as consent, boundaries, alcohol usage, microaggressions, and overall, communication and interaction skills. As these are multifaceted and complex topics, we wanted to approach them with pondering perspectives, rather than offer definitive, objective answers.

The comics have so far been utilized in Safer Space Principles workshops organized in the Department of Film (ELO) at the School of Arts, and Harassment Contact Person trainings in collaboration with AYY. Additionally, they have been used as course materials in the School of Business and A! Peda Intro course for educators. Moreover, the posters will be showcased in guild rooms, event spaces, and other spaces at campus. If you wish to print the posters for your own use, you can access the files below.

This project was created under the OASIS of Radical Wellbeing project in Aalto University, from the initiative of Wellbeing Ambassadors, who work on progressing wellbeing and inclusion matters within the Aalto community.

How to promote safer space

Download the comics here:

Meet the artist

 Riina Pesonen

Riina Pesonen

Visual Communications Design
Instagram @rippaname

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

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