Principles of Open and FAIR data
1) Researchers (incl. doctoral students) and research groups are encouraged to draw up a data management plan (DMP) at the beginning stage of research and update the plan regularly.
2) Aalto University requires publicly funded research data to be openly accessible unless there are ethical or legal issues preventing open access.
- Protection of trade secrets and other intellectual property agreements, funders’ requirements and publishers’ data availability policies are taken into account when defining appropriate access rights to research data.
- The principal investigators (PIs) are responsible for understanding whether any considerations restrict the publishing of the research data.
3) Data that are linked to research publications and data that are suitable for reuse have to be made FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) to the extent beneficial to society after the data creators and collectors have benefitted from the data (the right to primary use of data).
- Research data are to be stored in national or international storage services or data repositories that provide persistent identifiers (PIDs, e.g. DOIs) and therefore allow publishing the data in a citable format. Funders’ or publishers’ requirements are to be followed when choosing a repository unless they contradict Aalto University recommendations.
- If personal data is published, its access must be restricted in a repository and the data must be pseudonymised. The long-term availability of restricted access data is ensured by giving the access rights to the data support of the university. Anonymised data can be openly accessible.
- Follow responsible research guidelines when handling personal research data.
4) Aalto University requires that rights related to research data be defined in agreements. Ownership of sui generis database rights and catalogue rights are created as the property of the investor, which in the case of an Aalto employee or funding from Aalto University, is Aalto University. Ownership of copyright and other rights to data and databases produced with external funding are transferred to Aalto University with the employment agreement (Annex 1). In cooperation projects, ownership of rights and licences to data must be agreed upon as early as possible
- When publicly funded research data is published in a data repository, Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license is compliant with the requirements defined in Open data directive, and implemented in Finland with the national law Laki julkisin varoin tuotettujen tutkimusaineistojen uudelleenkäytöstä.
- Using Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license it is possible to share, copy, redistribute and adapt research data for any purpose, even commercially. The attribution term of CC BY 4.0 license ensures that creators of research data are credited.
- Researchers can also choose Creative Commons — CC0 1.0 Universal waiver and ask to be credited. However, with a waiver the attribution is not a binding license terms, so attribution stacking can be avoided in cases of data being combined from multiple sources.
- If the licensing of research data is not regulated by law, Aalto University's open science recommendation is a CC BY 4.0 license. Other licensing options may apply, in which case the choice of license is influenced by research objectives, funders' requirements and publishers' publishing and data policy requirements.
5) The properly documented metadata of all datasets linked to research publications should be added to the Aalto University metadata catalogue in the research information management system, ACRIS. This applies also to datasets that cannot be made openly accessible.
- If you have made your data openly accessible in a repository, send your link or PID (e.g. DOI) to [email protected], and the information will be inserted into ACRIS for you.
6) When using openly accessible research data, the data should be cited according to good scientific practice.
Aalto University is committed to good research data management, and opening data, research methods and infrastructures
Open research data and methods. National policy and executive plan by the higher education and research community for 2021–2025: Policy component 1 (Open access to research data) and 2 (Open access to research methods and infrastructures)