Other studies

Studies and student services in Swedish

Courses taught in Swedish are offered primarily in the field of technology at Aalto University. The courses are mostly basic courses and language courses for Swedish speaking students. In addition, a joint Bachelor’s seminar in Swedish is organized for the Bachelor of Science (Technology) degree.

Below you will find information about courses that completely or partly are taught in Swedish. The courses are linked to the study portal Sisu where you can find additional information about course contents, learning outcomes, and teaching periods. Registration for the courses is done through Sisu.

Aalto University is by law bilingual

  • The university is responsible for educating enough Masters of Science (Technology) and Masters of Arts with knowledge of Swedish for the demand in Finland
  • Teaching in Swedish is given primarily at Bachelor’s level
  • About a dozen teachers teach courses in Swedish
  • There are about 1 200 Swedish-speaking students at Aalto, of which the majority is studying at the schools of technology
  • Teknologföreningen (TF) is the Swedish student nation at Aalto University
  • The Nordic exchange programs provide opportunities to carry out part of your degree in another Nordic country

Studies in Swedish

Contact persons in Swedish matters

På universitetsnivå arbetar studieplaneraren Pia Rydestedt med information för sökande, studie- och yrkesvägledning samt nordiskt samarbete, En del högskolor har kontaktpersoner för svenska studieärenden samt deltidsanställda rådgivare. Du hittar kontaktuppgifterna nedan.

Pia Rydestedt

Asiantuntija, opintoasiat
You can also find me on facebook, whatsapp and telegram @piarydestedt

School of Engineering ENG

School of Electrical Engineering ELEC

Piia Ylitalo

Study Coordinator
U902 Learning Services
 Henrik Wallén

Henrik Wallén

Senior University Lecturer
T411 Dept. Electronics and Nanoeng

School of Science SCI

School of Chemical Engineering CHEM

Mari Lundström

 Kari Lehti

Kari Lehti

Suunnittelija, opintoasiat

Charlotta Livman


School of Arts, Design and Architecture ARTS

School of Business BIZ

School of Business BIZ

Swedish-language services and student affairs

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