Programme director's handbook

TEE 2020 – Aalto CHEM programme vision

Based on the results from the self-evaluation and the peer review, the programmes have written a short vision for the programme.
Unto Rautio

TEE 2020 self-evaluation was followed by a peer review between two programmes. In the vision the programme focuses on lessons learned from the self- and the peer evaluation and a future foresight for development.

See the vision attachments:

Aalto University, photo Unto Rautio

Programme self-evaluation and programme vision – TEE 2020

The target of the programme self-evaluation is to conduct a critical analysis of the status of the programme and to identify best practices and potential challenges in the programme.

Programme director's handbook
Students at the new BIZ building by Unto Rautio

Programme vision – TEE 2020

Based on the results from the self-evaluation and the peer review, the programmes have written a short vision for the programmes.

Programme director's handbook
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