Normative and maximum durations of degrees
Universities Act (558/2009) and the amendment of the previous Universities Act (556/2005) include regulations regarding the normative duration of studies for university degrees, the duration of the right to study and extensions of this right. The stipulations apply to students who were granted the right to pursue a degree on or after 1st August 2005.
The student is considered to start the degree studies on the date when he/she accepts the study place in the university. The normative duration of studies for the Bachelor of Science degree is three years and for Master of Science degree two years.
Those students who were granted the right to pursue both Bachelor and Master of Science degrees have the right to complete the degrees in a time exceeding the normative duration of studies by a maximum of two years (altogether seven years).
The duration of studies is not affected by military service, conscription or maternity/paternity or parent leave. In addition, the duration of studies does not include an absence of a maximum of two terms for which the student has registered as non-attending. Should the student fail to register for attendance or non-attendance, this term or these terms shall be included in the duration of studies.
If a student has not completed their degree in the maximum duration of studies, but wants to finish the studies, it is possible to apply for extension. The extension can be granted, if the student can present a study plan on how to complete all the missing study modules within a reasonable time. An approved study plan specifying the courses and schedules must be attached to the application. The decision on the duration of the extension shall be made taking into consideration the previously completed studies and the estimated duration of studies specified in the study plan. Additionally, any previous extension will affect the decision.
For further information, please contact the planning officer of the programme.