
Master's Programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences

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Planning your studies

Personal study plan (HOPS) in Sisu

The most important tool for planning your studies is your personal study plan (HOPS). You can register only for courses that are in your primary HOPS, so making HOPS in SISU is crucial. Your degree diploma is also created based on your Sisu HOPS, so it is important to keep your HOPS up to date.

How to plan your studies

Study Skills

Study skills consist of a number of areas, such as the management of study methods, self-management, acting in a community and regulation of personal emotions. Study skills are something you can learn, and these pages include ideas for developing your skills as well as links for sources of additional information.

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Studies in double degree programmes

Students of the majors Communications Engineering, Computer Science and Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence have few different double degree options to choose from within the CCIS programme. Read more about double degree opportunities below.

Double degree options in CCIS programme

Studies in computer and data sciences in University of Helsinki

Credit transfer

Credit transfer means counting studies completed outside Aalto University towards your Aalto degree. Read more about credit transfer below.

Credit transfer

Career planning

Career Design for Students

Career Design for Students

Career design is an experimental approach for creating a meaningful career path in the constantly changing world of work.

Career Design Lab

Student newsletters

Tuutti is a student newsletter published by the Department of Computer Science.
CS Tuutti Student Newsletter

Scuuppi is a newsletter for students of School of Science. Scuuppi comes out at the end of each teaching period.

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